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Tom Sarlo

Jul 28, 2023

United States


Environment, Cattle, Agriculture, Climate Change, Greenhouse Gas

The topic of global warming and climate change is in the news everyday. Folks often ask what they can do to make a difference in the issues of global warming and climate change. The best way to help make a change usually starts at home, and one small change can collectively help our earth. The idea of slightly changing our diets needs to be understood deeper.

Research and studies in the scientific community have determined that 40% of greenhouse gases come from agriculture, deforestation, and other land-use changes. The cattle industry within the area of agriculture is one of the leading producers of methane emission, a potent greenhouse gas.

There is a global demand for beef, placing pressure on farming practices. The rainforest in the Amazon has experienced deforestation to help satisfy that demand for cattle raising. Removing forests affects the
ecosystem, disrupts wildlife, and increases the carbon footprint. The United States is the leading consumer market for beef, followed by Brazil, then China.

In the United States, studies have shown that if every person cuts their consumption of red meat by 25%, that would reduce greenhouse gas by 1%. That may not sound like much of an impact but consider that in 2021, the US produced approximately 5,586,000,000 (that's in billions) tons (net after sequestration) of greenhouse gases.

Reducing it by 1% would amount to a reduction of 55,860,000 (that's in millions) tons. Okay, that still may not mean much to you. How about this then - 55.86 million tons reduction in greenhouse gas emissions is the equivalent of 12,239,165 gasoline powered passenger vehicles being driven for one year, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency's greenhouse gas equivalency calculator. Now that's a serious impact from each of us making a small change. We often hear that eating less red meat is good for our health but it's good for the environment too.

What are some easy ways we can help by reducing our demand for red meat? One way to help make changes is to have positive conversations about eating less red meat. We don't need to become a meatless society. Many folks plan a meatless dinner once a week. There are other choices in meal planning, such as chicken and seafood.

There are proven health benefits to eating less red meat. It's a small change we can make that has a ripple effect on a personal and worldwide level. There is less demand for farming practices, less strain on the ecosystem, and reduced carbon footprints. We can participate in a collaborative effort to help with climate change and global warming. Making one simple change can start at home or the next restaurant visit. We can help and make a difference in global warming and climate change.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.




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