Terry Cullen
Nov 22, 2022
United States
Mothers, Children, Babies, Love, Bonding, Charity
A beautiful way to start your week. This touching video (and article) shows a mother chimpanzee (named Mahale) at the moment she is reunited with her newborn baby (named Kucheza, “play” in Swahili). To view the video click on the source link further down.
This news article from the Oregonian (November 19, 2022) features a video from the Sedgwick County Zoo in Wichita, Kansas (United States). The zoo's veterinarian staff delivered the baby chimp by caesarian section, but the baby had difficulty breathing on its own. The team had to take the baby away to administer oxygen until he could breathe freely. The video captures the moment when the mother and baby reunite. It is sweet and poignantly shows a mother's powerful and enduring love.
This video is a reminder for all of us to help the most vulnerable people in our community, our children. Children globally feel the harsh effects of hunger, poverty, violence, sickness, and violence without a voice or the power to fix it. UNICEF (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund) reports that over 5 million children under the age of 5 died in 2020. Astonishingly that is approximately 1 child every 6.25 seconds.
Sadly, the problem is often hidden and not readily seen or understood by more affluent people locally. It does not have to be that way. There is a great need in so many of our hometowns. You can make a difference in the lives of children. Here are 15 suggestions to consider:
1. Help your local food pantry. (Not just once but regularly, consistently). Did you know it is estimated 12 million children struggle with hunger in the United States?
2. Assist in online and local fundraising efforts.
3. Volunteer with organizations that help children locally.
4. Donate clothing, books, and toys to local children's hospitals.
5. Host a fundraiser for a local charity.
6. Become a mentor or tutor in reading, a skill, or an activity (e.g., community gardening)
7. Use your skills to create items for children (e.g., knitting scarves, woodworking toys)
8. Become a foster parent.
9. Connect with local faith-based institutions (e.g., a church or mosque) and ask how you can help.
10. Volunteer at the library.
11.Offer to help fix up someone's home who cannot afford repairs and renovations.
12. Help get a sports team up and running.
13. Organize a back-to-school drive for school supplies.
14. Volunteer at a soup kitchen.
15. Get a group of your friends and family together and adopt a school, classroom, or community center and focus your giving.
These are but a few suggestions. Be creative, and consider getting your children involved. Volunteering and giving back to our communities is an ethic that must teach our children and a gift that pays enormous dividends.
What will you do today to demonstrate your love for humanity and your community?
Photo by Anna Roberts on Unsplash.

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