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Become a Better Adult Using Simple Parenting Techniques

Gradient Ocean

Terry Cullen

Mar 3, 2023



Child, Children, Parenting, Relationships, Self-Improvement

Best Life ( presents an easy-to-read list of 40 hacks (as in, a clever tip or technique for doing or improving something) to be a better parent. What makes this so appealing is that many of the methods listed are suitable for all relationships, not just those with your child.

Take the one at the top of the list, “Yes, Read to Them.” Imagine reading to your spouse and close friend. Reading out loud is an ancient practice, not to ourselves but to others. It can improve our memories, make sense of complex language, and strengthen our emotional bonds with people. Your spouse’s choice of reading material may also help you gain deeper insights into your loved one.

How about this suggestion - “Play More, Keep Score Less.” So many of us live in a production-driven, time-deadline-demanding world, whether getting children ready for school on time, catching the transit to work, or putting in long hours at the office to finish a project. What if there were a way to play more and keep score less with the daily grind? There are numerous ways to do this, many suggesting that injecting play into your work can make you more productive than ever.

Another parenting hack is to “Expose them early to [piano, salmon, the woods]. Too often, adults get comfortable with the same experiences (such as food, music, and people) and become increasingly resistant to being open to possibilities as they grow older. Hence, the expression, “they are set in their ways.” No wonder we play less and smile less as we age. Consider committing to exploring something different regularly. It’s a great way to have fun with your friends, family, and spouse.

“Apologize when you are wrong.” It seems like a no-brainer, especially for children, but do we do this as adults? The world is full of negative and destructive dialog with entrenched positions of self-righteousness. This ego-centric lack of humility is toxic to ourselves and our communities.

Pair the above with “Reinforce More Than You Rant.” Positive and specific feedback is good for children and for adult relationships too. A saying is, “You can attract more flies with honey than vinegar.” As an individual, you can make an immediate difference in your world simply by practicing this suggestion and the one above.

“Talk About Journeys, Not Destinations.” For many adults, life is a checklist of things to accomplish. Not only does this never-ending hyperfocus on the next thing to do tire us out, but it also keeps us obsessed with the future, and we miss out on the present moment. We often hear adults say they don’t know where all the years of their life went, and they ruefully think about what could have been.

These are just a few of the 40 hacks for raising children, but as you read them, you will see they can be applied to your life as an adult too. Ready for a bit of self-improvement? Take your cue from parenting techniques.

Photo by Berendey Ivanov and Andrey Kobysnyn on Pexels.




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