Keith Swenson and Terry Cullen
Jul 26, 2022
Germany and Italy
Climate Change, Environment, Youth, Creative Community, Arts
Today's Global Forum article spotlights an exciting organization called Connect4Climate (C4C). Connect4Climate is a World Bank Group Multi-Donor Trust Fund powered by Italy's Ministry for Ecological Transition and Germany's Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.
C4C's mission is to advance global climate consciousness, build coalitions to drive ambition, and spur robust climate action commitments from international policymakers, private sector organizations, and on-the-ground citizens.
C4C has four key approaches:
Amplifying and empowering youth leaders,
Harnessing creativity for climate change,
Leveraging the power of partnerships,
Supporting the international climate agenda.
Their approach to harnessing creativity for climate change brought us to their website. C4C helps to build awareness and change on climate issues by showcasing talent worldwide from the youth creative community. C4C has sponsored global contests in many different media types, including filmmaking, photography, and music.
C4C has an open invitation to "Show Us Your Work," and youth worldwide have responded enthusiastically. With original works of art, such as "The Snow Guardian," a short film by #Film4Climate, "Translations," a poem by Ahmed Badr, "Youth Unstoppable," a feature film by WaterBear, and "X-Ray Fashion Virtual Reality Installation," an immersive VR experience of the garment production from cotton farm to the catwalk that highlights the climate impact of the garment industry, C4C demonstrates the creative talents of our global youth and their concerns about climate change.
Real change in global warming will come from countless decisions made by millions of individuals. The youth are living the impacts of a fast-changing world and are interested in changing it, and C4C gives them the forum to inspire us to make a difference.
Here are some suggestions to make a difference in your local community. Unlock the creative talent of your hometown youth to create inspiring messages for others about climate change action. Engage them through schools, youth groups, sports clubs, and faith-based institutions to develop their own creative works and share them with Connect4Climate. The content can be in a wide range of single or mixed media, so the possibilities are endless. We have the power to harness the enormous power and potential of our youth. Help them become the change agents to make our world a better place.
Photo by RODNAE Productions on Pexels.

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