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Empowering and Educating Young Girls In India

Gradient Ocean

Tom Sarlo

Apr 14, 2023



Diversity, Social Responsibility, Inclusion, Women, Girls, Equality, Education

Due to financial pressures, many families in India allow their daughters to drop out of school and look to marriage. Without financial help, these girls are not able to continue school.
Rural areas are usually hit the hardest because of transportation that isn’t reliable, and the expense of education can be a financial strain on families.

There is a high cost to society of not educating girls. According to, a lack of education translates to a lack of economic opportunities and a continuing cycle of generational poverty. Marrying young and having children without economic resources is difficult, and there are long-term health consequences for girls having children too young. An uneducated underclass rarely participates in leadership and governance and loses their potential contributions to society.

The Intuit Rise Program in India has opened the possibilities for these young girls who have dreams and inspirations to become educated in their chosen fields, thrive and prosper as adults. The program helps with school costs, such as books, uniforms, safe transportation, and computers. The students also receive extra tutoring if needed to help with classes. These programs within Intuit provide support and preparation for college. Once exams are passed and approved, the girls will receive STEM scholarships (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) through the Intuit Rise Program

Awareness in any community can help motivate young female students to seek help, direction, and educational opportunities. World Vision lists seven ways to empower women and girls worldwide. Initially, many of the recommendations appear suitable for poverty-stricken areas worldwide but can be adapted for use anywhere.

Providing the means for a better life. For example, something as important as available clean water doesn’t exist in many countries. Children are used to carrying water from watering locations that are typically dirty. Freeing up the time and energy needed to obtain clean water could free up more time for school. In countries where clean water isn’t an issue, there are other means to providing the means for a better life.

Talk with local organizations and faith-based institutions about how you can help.

Support women and girls in crisis. There are organizations that help protect young girls and women from social dangers. Many organizations rely on financial support.

Mentor a girl close to home. Programs like Big Sisters (USA) give young girls a role model to whom they can turn and receive guidance.

Invest in a female small business owner.

Use your voice to help keep girls in school, such as tutoring or mentoring. Motivation and inspiration can be a guiding light to young students.

Help a new mom. Be a role model in child care, especially to new mothers. Showing care can be a great support.

Tell the girls and women in your life you care. Everyone has value, and it is important to hear and know that we all matter.

All people worldwide need to have the opportunity to learn, thrive, and prosper. Being valued and given the opportunity to grow and give back one day is a wonderful gift to the world. It just takes one innovative idea to start something new and amazing.

Photo by Yogendra Singh on Unsplash.




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