Terry Cullen
Oct 25, 2022
United States
Love, Emotions, Well-being, Culture
A study led by Saeideh Heshmati and Zita Oravecz and published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships (2016) found a strong consensus among people that one of the following four scenarios would make them feel loved.
When someone shows compassion toward them in difficult times.
When a child snuggles up to them.
When their pets are happy to see them.
When someone tells them, "I love you."
An interesting finding is that "people feel loved in a range of settings much wider than just romantic relationships, which included momentary everyday interactions and experiences with friends, pets, and family."
All four scenarios increase the level of oxytocin in the recipient. Oxytocin, sometimes called the "love hormone," is a natural hormone produced by the pituitary gland. It helps us to regulate emotional responses and positive social behaviors such as bonding, trust, and empathy.
Making eye contact with your friendly dog, hugging a child or friend, listening to someone who has had a bad day, or telling someone close that you love them can raise their level of oxytocin and make people feel loved.
And it can raise your level, too! Heshmati and Oravecz continued their work and published an article in 2021. In that article, they describe that people feel loved when others feel loved.
Sadly, our world seemingly operates on more fear than love. Fear spawns anger, hatred, discrimination, control, greed, war, misery, and suffering. It's time to change that and lead with a different approach.
You can use this information to make life better in your community and move away from a fear-based culture. Bring your friends and family together and commit to a month of "sharing the love." A share-the-love act is one based on the four scenarios listed above. Ask everyone to commit to keeping a daily log, which is easily set up and shared online. Now ask everyone to find two more people to join them. Authenticity, sincerity, and honesty are qualities each must bring to the commitment. Create friends and family teams and make it a competition (all the while remembering the spirit in which you are competing).
The last months of the calendar year have a host of holidays and special events based on love and goodwill. A share-the-love commitment is a beautiful complement to a season's celebrations.
Happiness and joy are much better than anger and hate any day. Your community can lead by example.
Photo by Jonas Kakaroto on Unsplash.

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