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Instill the Love of Learning in a Child

Gradient Ocean

Terry Cullen

Jan 10, 2023



Children, Learning, Skills, Curiosity, Discovery, Joy, Teaching

How a child learns can differ, and one child may perform better with one method versus another. There is one element, though, that every child seems to have, and that is they love to have fun.

Instilling a love of learning can be an essential lesson to teach your children when they are young. Learning is how we gain new knowledge, skills, understanding, and values, so it makes sense that learning to be a good learner is a critical skill set. We impart our values, attitudes, and behaviors in teaching our children how to be good learners.

There are many benefits to teaching our children to be lifelong learners, according to (Why is Learning Important? A Deep Dive Into the Benefits of Being a Lifelong Learner, February 24, 2022.)

The world economy, with its emphasis on information, communication, and technology, demands we must be lifelong learners unafraid to tackle new challenges. Those that can are more likely to succeed. Also, lifelong learners can more readily upskill toward a promotion because they have the skills to learn and acquire what they need for that position.

Learning supports our well-being. Research suggests that lifelong learners are happier on average because, in part, they pursue their passions with interest and vigor. Lifelong learners may have better-developed brain function in their senior years because their pursuit of learning utilizes their brain functions in challenging ways.

Finally, those who prioritize and enjoy learning throughout their lives are usually more adaptable to changing circumstances and have a more extraordinary ability to innovate.

Lifehack (11 Creative Ways To Make Learning Fun For Your Kids) identifies eleven easy ways to make learning fun for children using everyday household items.

1. Make a reusable sight-word sandbox.
2. Catch a letter fishing game.
3. Make a color sorter.
4. Create a snowflake counting wheel.
5. Learn shapes with colored Popsicle sticks.
6. Learn about money with spare change and dice.
7. Bottle cap sums.
8. Counting practice with fish shapes and their bubbles.
9. Upside-down art lessons.
10. Use dominoes to help with simple math.
11.Create words from cookie shapes to make sentences.

How can you use this information to make a difference in your local community? To begin, play these simple and fun games with your children and inspire their curiosity and love of learning. Look around your community. Unfortunately, many children come from abusive, deprived, and broken backgrounds. How can you become a light in these children’s lives and help them break the cycle of violence or poverty? Volunteer for programs that mentor children. Most communities have a variety. Examples include after-school mentoring, reading programs at libraries, teaching foreign children your language, helping children caught up in the legal system (Guardian ad Litem), boys and girls clubs and organizations, children’s programming with faith-based institutions, or simply starting something in your home with your neighborhood children.

Working with children and watching their eyes light up with joy and delight when they learn something is a delight to behold. Don’t deprive yourself, or a child, of the experience. Have the courage to make a difference today.

Photo by Yannis H on Unsplash.




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