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Love Understands All Languages

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Terry Cullen

Feb 14, 2023



Love, Culture, Proverb, Emotions, Valentines

"Love understands all languages." This Romanian proverb is one of 50 proverbs that succinctly explain the power of love, according to in an article published November 9, 2021.

Oxford Languages defines a proverb as "a short, well-known, vigorously expressive saying, stating a general truth or piece of advice." Beloved proverbs are a cultural cue often passed down through the generations. A good proverb can inspire us, move us to deep reflection, and make us laugh while passing on crucial advice.

When I love you doesn't seem enough, borrow a proverb from another culture and use it with intention with someone you love.

Here are a few examples:

"A heart in love with beauty never grows old." — Turkish love proverb

"Old love and wood will burn as soon as they get the chance." — South American love proverb

"Where there is love there is no darkness." — Burundian love proverb

"Love and eggs are best when they are fresh." — Russian love proverb

"In love, beggar and king are equal." — Indian love proverb

"Love is like dew that falls on both nettles and lilies." — Swedish love proverb

"A life without love is like a year without summer." — Lithuanian love proverb

"The heart that loves is always young." — Greek love proverb

"Love tells us many things that are not so." — Ukrainian love proverb

"Love is blind so you have to feel your way." — Brazilian love proverb

Sadly, there is so much anger and hatred in the world. Today, many cultures will mark Valentine's Day as an informal holiday. Take this moment and express your love authentically to another human being. A good proverb is an excellent choice.

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash




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