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Peace on Earth Begins with Me - 12 Ways to Build It

Gradient Ocean

Terry Cullen

Feb 20, 2024



Peace, Conflict, War, Pain, Social Injustice, Social Inequality, Tolerance, Empathy

"Peace is not an absence of war; it is a virtue, a state of mind, a disposition for benevolence, confidence, justice." -Baruch Spinoza (Dutch philosopher, 1632-1677)

Peace - English
Amani - Kiswahili
Hindi - शांति
Chinese - 和平
Arabic - سلام
Russian - мир
Spanish - paz
Portuguese - paz

Many of us are concerned about peace, or the lack of peace in the world today, from local tensions, racial conflict, political strife, and brutal treatment of various ethnic groups globally, to outright war. The cost to humanity is enormous, with conflict and violence more often than not perpetuating more misery and a seemingly never-ending cycle. Many of us are numbed by it all and apathetic.

This article, initially authored by Elizabeth Arif-Fear and published in the Voice of Salam, outlines twelve ways to find peace within ourselves and manifest it in our communities. Each of the suggested approaches is flexible to adapt to our self and local context.

1. Treat others the way you want them to treat you—the Golden Rule.

2. Listen to what others have to say, not speak. Stephen Covey once said, "Most people do not listen with the intent to understand. They listen with the intent to reply."

3. Accept differences of opinion.

4. Do not fight violence with violence.

5. Work against extremism in all forms.

6. Accept that identity is fluid.

7. Avoid stereotypes.

8. Approach the media with skepticism.

9. Be careful of the language you use. "Everyone smiles in the same language." George Carlin.

10. Let go of the past.

11. Stand up for others - not just for your community.

12. Celebrate diversity. Learn about it and actively engage with it.

The unspoken truth is that each of us is responsible for finding peace and actively engaging it in our lives.

Originally published December 23, 2022.

Photo by Humphrey Muleba on Unsplash.




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