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Social Change and Football

Gradient Ocean

Joel Stegen

Sep 12, 2023



Children, Sports, Poverty, Health

Lesotho is a small country in Southern Africa ravaged by hunger, poverty, and HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). HIV incidence is the second highest in the world at 22.8% of the population. Of these HIV-infected individuals, only 65% have access to antiretroviral therapy (Avert 2021). High incidence of TB (tuberculosis) and HIV/TB co-infection result in significant COVID-19 complications in these patients (although COVID-19 prevalence is low in Lesotho at this time). More than 160,000 children have been orphaned because their parents have died from AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, the advanced stage of HIV infection).

Complicating these public health issues are significant HIV stigma, gender inequality, and other cultural obstacles that limit engagement in prevention and treatment services.

Football is a popular sport in Lesotho, and a unique non-profit non-governmental organization called Kick4Life merges social change messages around HIV and COVID-19 health education with football and other sports activities for children and young adults (UNAIDS 2020). Kick4Life F.C. is a football club dedicated to social change. As a charity and a social enterprise, our mission is to transform the lives of vulnerable young people in Lesotho, and in doing so promote long-term sustainable development in the Mountain Kingdom. ( And the youth find enjoyment in football, allowing them to let the stress of living go for a brief time.

Kick4Life has been doing HIV outreach and activism for several years now, and quickly integrated COVID-19 messages and support during the pandemic. They have been uniquely successful in engaging the people of Lesotho because of the integration of team sports as part of their strategy. They have fostered trust in the communities they engage in and overcome significant resistance to prevention and treatment messages. Additionally, they bring volunteers to help with projects such as planting crops for subsistence farming or building classrooms.

Almost 50% of the population in Lesotho live below the poverty line, and in rural areas 61% live in poverty (Bank 2019). When fundamental needs are not met, engagement in HIV treatment can seem like a low priority. By helping to address food scarcity and other fundamental security needs, groups like Kick4Life can better influence public health engagement in the people they serve.

Youth sports present an interesting opportunity to send positive messages and influence change. Teamwork, respect, self-esteem, learning to win and lose are messages typically reinforced in team sports. Could those messages be broadened or deepened in your local community? Here are a few examples of carrying a message further: taking care of your health so you can play your sport at peak performance; learning that respect for your teammates goes beyond the team to everyone you encounter; self-esteem for your heritage and others; teaching children the sport who otherwise cannot afford to participate promotes inclusion and exposure to people of different means and; service work that the team might do for the community teaches gratitude for what you have, selflessness and the importance of inclusion.

More than a group of teens and children playing a sport, there is potential to build character in more ways than are initially thought. What types of values are being actively promoted in your children's sporting programs? What can you do today to influence greater awareness of using the medium of youth sports as yet another way to help raise healthy, well-adjusted and resilient children and teens?

You can learn more about Kick4Life's mission and programs by visiting their website at the URL below.

Originally published October 22, 2021.




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