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The Environmental Voter Project

Gradient Ocean

Keith Swenson

Feb 11, 2022

United States


Voting, Election, Environment, Special Interest, Change, Movement

"We identify inactive environmentalists and transform them into consistent voters to build the power of the environmental movement." This statement is the mission of an organization entitled, The Environmental Voter Project.

The Environmental Voter Project focuses primarily upon reaching environmentalists in the United States. Still, it could have applicability for other causes and, possibly, implementation in other countries. The Project's approach uses behavioral science to develop multi-media messaging, which they send out to potential, environmental voters who have a low propensity to vote in elections.

Long-term, the Environmental Voter Project wants to change voting behavior and create a consistent and robust voter block of environmentalists. The organization claims to have converted 730,000 "seldom voting environmentalists" into a committed group of people who vote in federal, state, and local elections.

The organization's website is straightforward and comparatively brief. The Environmental Voter Project website presents the means of achieving its stated objective and offers simplified graphics illustrating the Project's astonishing successes during its relatively short history. It includes a United States map highlighting the 17 States the Environmental Voter Project targeted for action in 2022. Clicking on any target State will reveal fascinating information about the specific, numerical objectives for that particular state.

Many people feel powerless to influence large-scale issues, such as climate change, racial and ethnic persecution, poverty and famine, women's rights, and war. The Environmental Voter Project demonstrates that citizens can multiply political strength at all levels of government to cause actions imperative to creating meaningful change.

We are in a transformative time in human history, shaped by fast-changing information and communication technologies. Artificial intelligence and virtual/augmented reality will further revolutionize so many aspects of humanity. The Environmental Voter Project is one example of an emerging way of organizing people, ideas, and change.

So, what can I do at the local level to create meaningful change in my community? It is simple; get on board. With the Environmental Voter Project? Sure, if that is your passion, but if it is not, do some simple research and find the causes that move you if it lies elsewhere. For example, it might be education, social justice, affordable housing, or environmental preservation. Consider volunteering and introducing your cause to your local community of interest.

Regardless of all the technological changes in communication and information, it still comes down to the individual person—every voice matters.




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