Michele Ogilvie
Sep 14, 2021
Heritage, Meditation, Spiritual
The past year has given me a great deal of time to think about how we get through difficult times without becoming “unhinged”. I recently heard a report on the radio about the state of life in Lebanon. It was not encouraging- the crumbling economy and infrastructure are highlights. This is one slice of the picture, but a story from the Oman Daily Observer is a good example.
The tradition of whirling, is a tradition of the Sufi practice. Whirling dervish ceremonies were started as a form of meditation by Sufism. It is a spiritually focused approach to Islam founded by followers of 13th-century Persian mystic and poet Jalal al Din Rumi. “Whenever I feel distressed... I confine myself to my room, and turn and turn until I feel at peace." In these traditions, we learn to honor ourselves, and each other. "Thousands of years of religion have developed a deep knowledge of the human mind and techniques that influence people. " Unlike more traditional Muslim religions, Sufi now allow women to participate in the Dervish practice.
Modern science should also not disregard, but rather study these types of experiences and use them to benefit medicine and help people of the earth to find balance and peace." sleepandhealth.com (whirling dervishes - altered state of consciousness).
We can learn new and powerful things from the faith-based communities, even if they have differing methods and style or especially if they have different methods. The Islamic population is now scattered all over the world, and in these particularly challenging times, finding a new way to find calm and peace is so needed. There is even A Whirling Dervish Retreat Center in Kentucky, USA.

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