Our guest blogger this month is Keith Swenson, one of our collaborators for the im4u.world project. Keith has a long career in urban planning with a practice that spanned the country. Now in retirement, Keith works with legislators and special interest groups to tackle climate change issues.
Roll the calendar forward ten years to 1961. High school and college behind me, my wife, infant son, and I moved into our new home in suburban Pittsburgh, PA. Short on cash, we invested our “sweat equity” in our bare bones house and weed patch yard. With a few hand tools and an occasional rental mower, I “landscaped” the yard. On the way home from the Rent All shop with a mower sticking out of the front “trunk” of our VW “Bug”, I passed through the well-established neighboring #subdivision and noted, with annoyance, the block-long weed patch at the intersection of their border street and our single street #subdivision. I remarked to myself, “Why don't those people do something about that mess”?

I spent a hot, exhausting day shoveling, raking, and mowing our weed patch yard. Tired and a bit discouraged, I loaded up the mower and headed back to the rental shop. As I turned the corner with the neighboring weed patch, I had an impulse. I stopped, unloaded the mower, and began mowing, starting at the curb line of the intersecting streets. A few rounds later it was already looking better.
A curious #neighbor crossed the street to inquire if I owned the property. I replied, “No”. His follow up question, “Then why are you mowing it”? I could have, perhaps should have, responded in a less abrupt manner. But you probably guessed it, Dad's five words popped out of my mouth. “If I don’t, who will?” I topped out at 6'-4” and was in pretty decent shape. I think my #neighbor might have sensed a bit of my Dad standing in front of him. His response was a measured “Oookkkk....” as he returned to his house. I continued mowing,
Ten or so minutes later his garage door rolled up and out he came pushing his mower with one hand and a cold six pack of Iron City Beer in the other. With a smile and an offer of a “cold one”, he asked if he could join me. I said “Sure, join the fun”. Before I could apologize for my rather rude behavior his next-door #neighbor joined us with his mower and a second cold six pack. Neither of them was particularly concerned about why I suddenly stopped to mow the weed patch. They just wanted to express how pleased they were that when I drove by, I asked myself “If I Don't Who Will”.... and did it.
Two weeks later, the two neighbors grew to a dozen or so. As the summer progressed the vacant weed patch became their “#neighborhood cause”. In 2000, nearly forty years later and quite by accident, I learned that the “weed patch/park” had, by virtue of continuing #neighborhood engagement, become a municipal #park.

That caused me to reflect upon the many opportunities I have had over six decades to join with others to act on Dad's words. I have learned how to speak a little less forthrightly, to lead when asked and to follow when needed.
Next week: Doing 'Ampa? Doing?
This is part of a multi-part story. To view past installments, please visit our blog, Learn-Engage-Empower at im4u.world.
This story is among many that inspired us to create im4u.world, an ambitious project to build positive and constructive conversations around the world, share learning experiences to create real change at the local level. It is easy to join us. Simply start by filling out our Global Survey, a short 15 question survey asking you what the most important issues are facing humanity. Your voice matters and we are listening.