Moving to another country and getting a new start was just the beginning. Giving back to others in need was a part of their legacy too.

It would be impossible to write about the material rewards over the years and the success Emilio and Carmen seemed to enjoy and not write about how they shared their abundance via selfless acts of kindness. Emilio was very generous with his time and treasure, often giving money to people so they could get ahead or make ends meet. He was extraordinarily generous and giving yet humble and modest about helping others, never seeking attention or praise. Just as Emilio was generous with his time and money, Carmen was just as generous and giving with her time and willingness to help many people over the years. Whether it was rounding up donations to help someone that fell on hard times, cooking big meals to feed whole families, or seeking resources and assistance for those that needed it, Carmen was rather tireless when it came to helping people get a leg up and get ahead.
Carmen became somewhat legendary in her circle of friends and family as a "get the job done" type of person that would move heaven and earth to help the people around her. She was primarily involved with newly arrived families in the United States. It is as if the feeling of empathy toward those newly arrived in the US never abandoned her. She could relate to the helplessness of young mothers and fathers when they came to this new country. Carmen was very astute in getting people job interviews and employment. She would spend time helping people prepare for interviews. She would drive them there, help
them fill out the application, take people and wait with them at the Department of Motor Vehicles as they got their driver's license or identification, and take them to doctor appointments, social security offices, or wherever they needed to go. This selfless giving happened for years and decades. The number of families that Carmen helped is too many to count, and they are from all walks of life.
The story of human migration is as old as humankind. America's history is wave upon wave of immigrants, willing and unwilling. The contributions of this vast and diverse group of people of every race, every culture, and every religion have made America unique among the many countries on this planet.

The American Dream means many different things to many people. But for Emilio and Carmen, it meant leaving the world they once knew behind, giving up their friends, their families, and their physical possessions, escaping a country they once loved, and then starting all over again in a new land with nothing, unable to speak English, and only a hope and a prayer that life could be better. All that they had were each other, the drive to survive, and build a better life for their children. They were, and are, good citizens, hardworking, productive people who adopted their new homeland, gave back more than what they took, and were proud to be now called Americans. They are the American Dream in action, and their impact on other people's lives will ripple for generations to come. Thank God the red, white, and blue were open and welcoming to them. Because of that, I can proudly pen this story for them today and honor their legacy, my legacy.
Hiran is a proud first-generation Cuban-American who credits his success in life, in no small part, to the courage of his parents and the sacrifices they made so their family could have a better life. Hiran wrote this story to honor that legacy.
This story was originally published on July 22, 2021.
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